Application Error 1005 Loading SSE DLL

While I was testing my latest release (1.2) of Vibratium I encountered a puzzling error. It took me a while to track this one down. Hopefully someone else can learn from this.

TL;DR: solution is at the end.


Vibratium worked fine on my dev box, but on my laptop as soon as I added a Render Object the application would crash.

In the Application event log I got Application Error 1005:

“Windows cannot access the file for one of the following reasons: there is a problem with the network connection, the disk that the file is stored on, or the storage drivers installed on this computer; or the disk is missing. Windows closed the program Vibratium because of this error.”

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The Regedit You Never Knew

You’ve used regedit thousands of times and you know it inside and out, right?  Wanna bet?  I’ve got ten advanced tips that you probably didn’t know.  And if you’re like most of the engineers I’ve taught your reaction to the first one will be audible.

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SysInternals Overview

There is no single toolset I use more than the SysInternals tools. If you seriously want to understand what is happening on your system you can’t do it without them. When I taught the App-V workshops we used a few of the tools for troubleshooting installation and packaging issues. They were invaluable. Continue reading